UK Telephone Code Locator

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UK Telephone Code Locator

2023-11-11 15:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The UK Telephone Code Locator takes telephone numbers, std codes, area codes, access/short codes, exchange names or the name of a location.

Details returned may include: information about where the area is, map location, BT charge information and nearby exchange names.

Type in any of the following:

A full UK phone number, or just an area code or other dialling code. Telephone numbers and dialling codes must start with an '0'. E.g. 01632 960008 An access/short code, which starts with '1'. E.g. 100 An exchange name, optionally followed by a local phone number or dialling code on that exchange. E.g. Anytown 80819 The name of a town (village, city, etc.).




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